

Use Cases



In the September 2024 release, Zesty.io continues to improve the platform's functionality with a mix of new enhancements, and important fixes. A key addition is the media file replacement feature, giving users more control over their media assets. Other improvements include updates to schema rules, advanced sorting for multi-page tables, and new permissions for system roles. Several important fixes were also made, such as addressing Safari input issues and improving role permission handling, ensuring a smoother and more reliable user experience.


Media: File replacement  #2849    


Grant app permissions to new system roles  #2863

Schema rules limit file type for media field  #2867

Content: Only show publish actions when dropdown selection has changed     #2897   

Content: Filter button icon update & show api endpoints on hover  #2896   

Content: Do not store pinned columns to local storage   #2892   

Content: Show image placeholder in publish modal dialog   #2888   

Content: Multipage table advanced sorting   #2884   

Schema | Content: Currency field revamp    #2873 

Hide publish based on permissions on code app  #2887  


Prevent safari focus issue when manipulating cursor position on inputs    #2925  

Content | Schema: Do not show site-generators api options for dataset items    #2923   

Content: Remove replace file option for non-zesty media files   #2905   

Check granular role permissions for specific resources  #2899 

By Samriddhi Simlai

Samriddhi is a Seattle-based marketing professional who loves to be curious and find stories in data. Samriddhi enjoys chats about product, growth and coffee. Say hi at sam@zesty.io.

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