Holiday Ruminations
As we start cider sipping, lighting candles and wishing we had invested in SHIB back in January this year, the outlook becomes a little more contemplative as we peer into the final days of Q4.
Kidding aside, at, we know that our fortune is found in the experiences of working with our amazing customers, where strong relationships are forged by our ability to support everything from nascent projects, overhauls, migrations and legacy transformations - which affects forward movement in the DXP space as a result.
Customer Appreciation
So, wherever you are, dear customer, or whatever you may be doing, such as prepping a gift basket or doing an annual review, wants to say thank you! Our customers are what inspire us.
We’ve got a short list of updates this month. Don’t forget to spread a little more cheer this year as we head into 2022. It’s been a challenging one for all.
Check out this quick summary of October’s accomplishments. See The List below for more details. If you’re waiting for a status update on a bug, enhancement, or feature request, all of these are available via our publicly accessible Manager UI GitHub repository and Accounts UI GitHub repository.
October Summary
2 Enhancements
3 Fixes
The List
Enhancement: Setting in i18n - the setting key “add_lang_code_to_paths” has been nested under the i18n category to keep settings organized within their respective categories. The previous setting was: “general” and changed to “i18n.”
Fix: Canonical pathing - the canonical path experienced an issue where it would double up when subdirectories were registered. This has been fixed.
Manager UI
- Enhancement: favicon bug update - When uploading a new favicon profile image, the image was not being updated. This has been fixed to show the correct image by removing the old image head tag from settings:
- Fix: Broken media image group location, vertical (wrong) vs. horizontal (correct).
- Fix: Broken media model when user edits content - a content model with a media picker locked to a media group will display a broken media model when user is editing content and only happens when items that have a media picker field is locked to a specific media folder subgroup. Modal style has been improved.
Incorrect view:
Correct view:

By Dominic Tarantino
I work with all teams in our enterprise customer base, agency partners and individuals to ensure they are successful on the platform. is an end-to-end solution for those who want powerful omni-channel digital experience built for scale and who want tools that will be relevant throughout the years long enterprise journey.