

Use Cases



MUI Style Variables

Zesty styles-variables with MUI class names

Zesty styles-variables with MUI class names

This feature will help to incorporate zesty instance style variables to Material UI Theme.

šŸ”ƒRunning the script

Upon installingĀ zesty next starter app, theĀ sync.jsĀ will run for the first time. But there will be always a changes specially in the style variables. Fortunately we can sync the instance styles anytime to next starter app anytime by running the command below to the console.

npm run sync

šŸ“ƒGenerated Files

  • styleVariables.jsonĀ - located at folder (šŸ“Ā ".zesty"Ā ). It contains the fetched style variables data from the API. e.g:
  "brand-primary": "#337ab7",
  "brand-success": "#5cb85c",
  "brand-warning": "#f0ad4e",
  "brand-danger": "#d9534f",
  "brand-info": "#5bc0de",


  1. We should create a file where we can configure the MUI theme customization with instance style variables. In this example the file will be named as:Ā zestyStyleVariables.jsĀ under folderĀ šŸ“Ā "components"Ā :

    After creating the file, we should import first the dependency of our zesty styles configuration:

    import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles"; // import the createTheme from MUI
    const styles = require(".zesty/styleVariables") || {}; // assigning the styleVariables.json to the "styles" variable

    Accessing a style variable and assigning it to MUI theme:

    import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
    const styles = require(".zesty/styleVariables") || {};
    // customizing MUI theme colors:
    export default function ZestyStyleVariables() {
      const zestySettingsTheme = createTheme({
        palette: {
          primary: {
            //Accessing the @brand-primary color
            main: ${styles["brand-primary"]},
      return zestySettingsTheme;

    Customizing Header default styles:

    import { createTheme } from "@mui/material/styles";
    const styles = require(".zesty/styleVariables") || {};
    // customizing MUI theme colors:
    export default function ZestyStyleVariables() {
      const zestySettingsTheme = createTheme({
        typography: {
          // Header styles
          h1: {
            fontSize: parseInt(styles["font-size-h1"]) || 24,
      return zestySettingsTheme;

āœ…Applying the MUI theme configurations

  1. Adding MUI Theme provider

    In order for the custom theme to work,Ā ThemeProviderĀ should be imported in a component or in a top level component file.

Importing the MUIĀ ThemeProviderĀ :

import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles";

After importing, the component should be the child of theĀ ThemeProviderĀ component and useĀ ZestyStyleVariablesĀ as the theme prop value.

<ThemeProvider theme={ZestyStyleVariables()}>
  <Component />

Also do not forget to import the theme configuration file

import ZestyStyleVariables from "components/ZestyStyleVariables";

Example of addingĀ ThemeProviderĀ in Zesty starter appĀ App.jsĀ file:

import ZestyStyleVariables from "components/zestyStyleVariables"; //Importing the custom theme config from the zestyStyleVariables.js
import { ThemeProvider } from "@mui/material/styles"; // importing ThemeProvider from MUI styles

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
      {/ logic to run zesty head if it detects zesty meta data patterns in props, else load alternate head for you to edit /}
      {(pageProps?.meta?.web && <ZestyHead content={pageProps} />) || (
          <meta charSet="utf-8" />
          <title>Zesty.io Next.js Marketing Technology Example Starter</title>

      {/ MUI customized theme will start to effect here /}
      <ThemeProvider theme={ZestyStyleVariables()}>
        <Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

šŸ“Ā Please take note that theĀ ThemeProviderĀ can be imported exclusively in a specific component, the example above is just a general scenario to apply the theme to the webpage as a whole.

For more details about customizing theme, kindly see in theĀ MUI Documentation.

Please also see theĀ example component sinkĀ of the MUI-Styles





